Every Christmas Eve I always end up saying, "This was the BEST Christmas Eve!" but I really think this ranks up right near the top. It was because not only did I have 2 sister and their families here but Grandma & Grandpa Walker came and stayed the whole night. This was huge. On 3rd sunday dinners they are always the first to go because they don't driving in the dark. I don't blame them. So, we planned on having dinner early for them. Instead of 6ish we started at 4:30 p.m. This way, I thought they could stay for dinner and get on the road by 5:30 p.m. It is dark by then. Well, I made our traditional Lasagna that mom would make every Christmas Eve. I also made a pan of Grandma Walkers recipe for Lasagna roll-ups - spinach and all. Hey, if the kids didn't like it - tough! I made it for Gram. She said she liked it. One thing gram said was she leaned over to gramp and asked if he made it or did she. I quickly just said that I made it with HER recipe. Well, after dinner I told Gramp the itinerary and told me I would rearrange anything for them and also just to tell me and they could leave anytime. It was ON WITH THE PROGRAM in his book! I was a little surprised but away we went!
So then we had the talent show. Andie sang Twinkle, Twinkle in her little minor voice. Before I go any f Riley made jewelry for her aunts and gram got a home made bookmark and Cole had everyone say a capital in the world and he would tell you the country. All the cousins did something and then Katie and Amy played the cello and violin. Amy was nice enough to try to include me by asking me if I would like to accompany them on the piano. HELLOOO?! I can't stop laughing just typing this! Joy to the World DOES NOT sound like "My Turn on Earth" which is the ONLY song I know by heart! I quit piano for more important things like sports! Amy had a full memory blockage on that one. Nice for her to not leave me out but probably better for everyone that I didn't participate. Now what I should of done is pull out my sax!
After the talent show I thought for SURE g & g would leave. NOPE. On to the presents! The ones that g&g got for the kids. Gram got Andie a dolly. You would of thought it was 100 dollies with Andie's response. I realized then and there Andie did not need one more gift - she got it in that dolly! After all the screaming and ripping open of gifts I think gram was thoroughly pooped. Now there were finally ready to leave. It was probably close to 8! I couldn't believe it! They had stayed for the whole night. I was wonderful to have them there. I know gram is going through such a rough time and that it is also hard on grampa but it was the most wonderful feeling to have them in our home with us. I'm so grateful for their sacrifice on not only driving down in the bad weather but staying and celebrating with us. I don't know how many more christmas's I will have with the both of them. It's hard to see your grandparents getting old. I've been living near my grandma & gramp longer than I lived in Michigan. It's hard to see my gram going through this. I love her so much.
Oh Molly! You did have a wonderful Christmas Eve, and you will be glad you got that last video.
Molly!! I didn't know you were still posting! I wish I had known! This was a great post, and what a great time we had. Aren't we so blessed we made those memories when we did with Grandma and Grandpa? And maybe you're not a pianist, but I still think you play better than me any day! ha ha.
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